Es fundamental la enseñanza, nos van preparando para el futuro y es entonces cuando daremos las gracias a nuestros padres/madres/tutores por haber estado ahí ayudándonos, sobre todo cuando eramos pequeños necesitábamos mucha ayuda, todo lo veiamos difícil muy difícil, como sumar, restar...
Pero llegaba el recreo y disfrutábamos como verdaderos niños, ahora solo queda aprender y seguir adelante.

Some people are in the same school from kindergarten until now, other have been together since ESO, and others like me who have come this year IES ALHAKEN II.
At school i have met many people and i have friends.
Teaching is essential, teachers prepare us for a future profession.
Our mothers/fathers/tutors helped us at all.. they helped us to add, subtract.
Recess came and were very happy, now to fight and CARRY ON!
i repeat it..the best stage in the life!