jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Famous thanks to Internet

Internet is an opportunity to be better known, but also a danger to those who prefer their privacy.
Many people use the internet and social networks, I think that the social network allow you to communicate with your friends and family.
You can put the webcam and you can see your friends who live in another country in real time, but social networks are very dangerous because don´t respect your private.
Many people can see your photos and they can pass this photos with the other person.
Some characters who went from anonymous to famous people and in turn those that are found or are at the top thanks to their paths through the network.
¿What is a blog/ger? is a publishing system, you can post all kids of articles, news, gossip, etc... Just need time and good ideas. Will be a blogger!
Famous thanks to internet, for example:
PSY (Gangnam Style): The song was released on July 15, 2012 and debuted at number one on Gaon Chart.
Is  the most watched video of 2012 and the most watched in the history of YouTube, and received the award for "Best Video" at the MTV Europe Music Awards, in addition to receiving the Guinness Record for the video with the most "Likes" on YouTube.

Perez Hilton: This blogger has achieved fame with the publication of news about all Hollywood celebrities.

This is a very usual character on  MTV, as a result, their participation in various programs of Hollywood and his blog is already known to millions of people worldwide.
Susan Boyle: This 51 year old woman came to prominence thanks to his participation in a British television program called Britain's Got Talent.
With his voice, achieving the program to shock the jury and the public.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

I am ecuatorian

I chose Ecuador because i was born in Ecuador, and 8 years old i trip to Spain. Now i live in Spain and i love it.

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Legend of glamour

Marilyn monroe.

Norma Jean Mortensen. (1/6/1926) en los Angeles. Para una vida mejor, debido a los bajos recursos, su madre Gladys Monroe envio a Norma con una familia adoptiva, tiempo despues fue a vivir a un orfato.
(1942). A los 16 años se casó con Jimmy Dougherty, un joven de 21 años al que conoció cuando trabajaba en una planta de aeronaves pero en 1946 se divorció.
(1944). Marilyn Monroe fue fotografiada mientras trabajaba por un periodista que realizaba un articulo sobre las mujeres durante la guerra.
A partir de entonces comenzo su carrera como modelo bajo la tutela de Emmeline Snively quien le aconsejo cambiarse su color de pelo, al rubio platino.
Se casó nuevamente dos veces una con Joe Dimaggio y otra con Arthur Miller, pero los dos al igual que el primero acbaron en divorcio.
Con una larga carrera cinematografica por delante en la madrugada del 5 de Agosto de 1962 su psiquiatra comunico al policia que la actriz estaba muerta, por sobredosis.
Un misterioso caso aun sin resolver.
Norma Jean Mortense was born in L.A (1/61926).
For a better life, her mother Gladys Monroe shipment with and adoptive family, then she later went to live in an orphanage.
(1942). When she had got married 16 years with Jimmy Dougherty, a man who was 21 years old and they met at work but in 1946 they divorced.
(1944). Marilyn Monroe was photographed while she was working by a journalist.
Since then she began her career as a model supervised by Emmeline Snively who said that the hair be changed. (platinum blonde).
She maried twice with Joe Dimaggio and Arthur Miller, end in divorce.
On August5, 1962, your psychiatrist dead found, ``overdose´´.
An unresolved case.


martes, 1 de abril de 2014



Es un termino japones que se utiliza para describir a los jovenes que se aislan de la sociedad y viven encerrados en sus propias habitaciones durante largos periodos de tiempo (3 meses o años) pegados a los videojuegos, la pantalla del ordenador, la televisión,
Solo interactuan con otros hikokomori mediante el chat u otras maneras virtuales. Esa es su vida.
En mi opinión, no me gustaría ser un hikikomori, porque soy una persona a la que le gusta relacionarse con gente y salir.
Japón es el país que cuenta con mas de un millón de hikikomoris.
Esto se debe a que en Japón los chicos viven muchos años con sus padres.
Efectos y síntomas
 -pérdida de la realidad
-Timidez extrema 

Yo pienso que debido a las nuevas tecnologias si se dara en España
Is a japanese word, that is used to describe young people who are isolated from society and they live locked in their rooms for long periods, they live next to video games , a computer games, comics...
they only communicate with other hikikomoris by chat and internet.
I think that i dont like a hikikomori, because i am a girl who likes to meet people.
Japan is the country with more hikikomori, one million.
It is produce because in japan the young people live in the parents house for many years.
Effects and symptoms: 
-Loss of reality
I think that in Spain will be given by the advancement of technologies